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Зарегистрирован: 24 мар Пт, 2006 21:41:20 pm 82
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Откуда: St Petersburg
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Ну это понятно...... Просто жалко, что он не поясняет, почему так думает.......
А вообще, это, конечно, его личное дело - что и как думать...... 8)

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way

09 янв Вт, 2007 2:24:17 am 8
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Зарегистрирован: 02 окт Сб, 2004 21:40:42 pm 275
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Откуда: outer space
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ava писал(а):
перевод этого интервью не совсем корректен - я помню его немного другим в оригинале :roll:
Да, перевод конечно, гхм.. А есть нормальный? Или оригинал?

Изображение NO FATE

11 янв Чт, 2007 1:08:42 am 10
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
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Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Я, конечно, извините, что не в кассу, но... Жанара, подпись - супер! :lol:

Lick My Blood, Dave.

11 янв Чт, 2007 3:51:35 am 10
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Зарегистрирован: 24 мар Пт, 2006 21:41:20 pm 82
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Откуда: St Petersburg
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Согласна!! :lol:
И аватарка хороша!!! :lol: :lol:
:P :P
Ээээ... А что там справа из юбки торчит? :roll: :roll:

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way

11 янв Чт, 2007 12:40:25 pm 10
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Зарегистрирован: 02 окт Сб, 2004 21:40:42 pm 275
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Откуда: outer space
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Спасибо-спасибо)) Это торчит какая-то звуковая примочка, не знаю как называется.

А у вас есть какие-нибудь интервью Мартина?

Изображение NO FATE

11 янв Чт, 2007 20:39:37 pm 10
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
Сообщений: 332
Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Честно говоря, до фига, но не уверена, что они актуальны... :?
Из интересного есть анкета официального :!: фаната Depeche Mode, заполненная самим Маэстро! :D
А еще (это уже не интервью 100%, но мне нравится) статья про ДМ из журнала...про Дэйва и Марта. Но она, скорее, художественный текст, что-то типа рассказа. Тем не менее, не лишено смысла и правдивости...
Нада? :)

Lick My Blood, Dave.

12 янв Пт, 2007 0:27:15 am 11
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Зарегистрирован: 02 окт Сб, 2004 21:40:42 pm 275
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Откуда: outer space
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Выкладывай все по очереди))

Изображение NO FATE

12 янв Пт, 2007 1:04:30 am 11
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
Сообщений: 332
Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Значить, анкета:

Lick My Blood, Dave.

12 янв Пт, 2007 4:20:41 am 11
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
Сообщений: 332
Откуда: Santa Barbara
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И рассказ-статья, соответственно.
:!: Тут много.
А интервью...да, есть на английском, пойдет? Еще есть отзывы разных людей о Мартине.

Lick My Blood, Dave.

12 янв Пт, 2007 4:24:13 am 11
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Зарегистрирован: 02 окт Сб, 2004 21:40:42 pm 275
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Откуда: outer space
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Шикарная статейка! Спасибо, дорогая! Дай денечек на переваривание - и потом следующую!

UPD: я вспомнила, я читала это бред из Каравана историй)) Сказочники))

Изображение NO FATE

12 янв Пт, 2007 23:05:27 pm 11
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
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Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Мдя... Только вот местами очень романтично, а у меня, бывает, накатывает... :oops:
В целом, я считаю, написано хорошо. Душевно.

Lick My Blood, Dave.

13 янв Сб, 2007 0:18:51 am 12
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Зарегистрирован: 02 окт Сб, 2004 21:40:42 pm 275
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Откуда: outer space
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Alameda str. 43 :wink:

Если закрыть глаза на некоторые неточности, принесенные в угоду читательНИЦам, то ничо так, роман можно написать (теперь я догадываюсь, на кого ориентировалась анкх)))

Изображение NO FATE

13 янв Сб, 2007 1:52:35 am 12
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
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Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Не, Жанар, при всем уважении, Анхе не на это ориентировалась.
Но это не суть важно, все равно...мило! :)

Lick My Blood, Dave.

15 янв Пн, 2007 10:58:10 am 14
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
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Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Martin's quotes:


“I was probably a weird child. Because I quite liked school and stuff. I felt secure at school and didn’t want to leave. I played cricket for the school team and got two ‘A’ Levels in French and German. I failed Maths though.”


[In 1983}: “ …I tend personally to get disillusioned by a lot of things. Things that used to seem great don’t seem so great anymore. Perhaps I’m just a very pessimistic person.”

“Seventy per cent [sic] of our songs are about , or touch on, sex. Personally I find it amazing when I talk to people and they consider it a secondary thing in life. For me, it isn’t something that’s very secondary.”

“I’ve got this theory that as you get older you get more disillusioned and that your happiness peak is when you’re in your teens. As you grow older and learn more, the corners are rubbed off your life.”

“I have always found love quite obsessional. People talk about co-dependency; to me I’ve always found there’s something co-dependent about being in love-that’s what love is all about.”

[About the time when Martin had a seizure while on the Devotional Tour]:"The worst memory about "In Your Room" is the making of the video. We spent a whole day in the studio filming and I probably had a lunch at some point, but it was just something really small, like half a sandwich. We finished filming at about 8 o'clock, and went back to the hotel and I forgot to eat. We went to the bar and I didn't eat.... We went out to a club and I didn't eat.... We came back and had a party in my room that went on til really late. The next day I had to get up and go to a band meeting. So I got up feeling absolutely terrible and sort of staggered to the meeting, I couldn't even stand up. I had to lie down during the meeting and that was when I went into a seizure. So whenever I see this video, I just think Oh, God'.... It brings back terrible memories."

[About his arrest on November 4 1993, in Denver Colorado. He had to pay a $500 fine for disturbing the peace.]: "The night before I got arrested, I had a party in my room and there were about 50 people and it was really loud. The night of the arrest, it was me and a friend and the music was really quiet. They rang me and asked me to turn it down, so I did. They rang me again and asked me to turn it down, so I turned it off. Next thing I know there's complete silence and the police knocked on the door. I stupidly opened it. They burst in, threw me on the bed and handcuffed me. There was no music whatsoever playing. I think they were out to get me for the night before. I can't remember much about it. I was really drunk at the time and it seemed like fun. The next day, when I sobered up, I realized why some of the people in there weren't too happy with me. I'd just been done for disturbing the peace."

The music:

[About the song “Everything Counts”]: “It’s about things getting out of hand, business getting to the point where individuals don’t count and you’ll tread on anybody.”

[About the song “It’s called a Heart”]: “…about the importance of the heart in a mythical sense, as part of the body where good and evil are supposed to start. I’m not sure whether I believe in it but it’s a nice idea.”

[About the song “Personal Jesus”-inspired by Priscilla Presley’s, Elvis and Me]: “It’s a song about being a Jesus for somebody else, someone too give you hope and care. It’s about how Elvis was her man and her mentor and how often that happens in love relationships – how everybody’s heart is like a god in some way, and that’s not a very balanced view of someone, is it?”

[About the song “Barrel of a Gun”]: “It’s only partly about the hell Dave’s been through. It’s written from my perspective…I have a problem with life, too.”

[About the Ultra album]: “I think it’s got quite a spiritual feel but religion is probably less touched on in this album than it has ever been in the past. I think I have overdone religion.”

“There are a lot of recurring themes in my songs. One thing that always reappears is disillusionment and lack of contentment. A lot of the songs also deal with a search for innocence.”

“Half of every album is made up of atmospheric ballads. We’ve been labeled a dance band throughout our career, and I find that funny, because I would like to see somebody dance to half of our records-you can’t do it.”

“I am not passionate about anything other than music. I bore my friends to death with music! I often invite friends to come and stay with me, and I get drunk and I play them every one of my favourite records. At the end of the night, everybody is crawling into bed, and I’m still left saying, ‘But you have to listen to this one!’”

Q: How hard is it for you to connect with the audience in a large arena?
Martin: I've got terrible eyesight, so if there's more than 10 people it doesn't really make a difference to me.

"I really think our golden period started in '86...I think there's some sort of dark edge that runs through our music, and maybe we weren't fully depressives before that. Maybe we became truly miserable in 1986. [laughs]"


“The worst kind
Of diseased mind
Is one filled with jealousy”
-“It Doesn’t Matter”, c.1984

“There’s a lot to be learnt
And you learn when your heart gets burnt”
-“It’s Called a Heart”, c. 1985

“Hearts could never be owned
Hearts only come on loan
If I want it back
I will take it back
I’ll take my heart”
-“It’s Called a Heart”, c.1985

“Is simplicity best
Or simply the easiest”
-“Judas”, c.1992

“Let me hear you make decisions
Without your television”
-“Stripped”, c.1986

“Keep telling us, we’re to have fun
Then take all the ice cream so we’ve got none”
-“More Than a Party”, c.1983

“You can’t change the world
But you can change the facts
And when you change the facts
You change points of view
If you change points of view
You may change a vote
And when you change a vote
You may change the world”
-“New Dress”, c.1986

“Take one more look
At what you found old
And in it you’ll find something new”
-“One Caress”, c. 1992

Lick My Blood, Dave.

15 янв Пн, 2007 11:06:43 am 14
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Зарегистрирован: 24 мар Пт, 2006 21:41:20 pm 82
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Откуда: St Petersburg
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Jam писал(а):
Не, Жанар, при всем уважении, Анхе не на это ориентировалась.

А ты так просто сама думаешь или ты знаешь, что не на это? :wink:

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way

15 янв Пн, 2007 17:27:48 pm 14
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Зарегистрирован: 14 окт Сб, 2006 1:30:08 am 286
Сообщений: 1501
Откуда: Томск
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Jam, спасибо тебе огромное за проделанный труд :!:

зы фееричный аватар :wink:

15 янв Пн, 2007 18:20:58 pm 14
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
Сообщений: 332
Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Tenderness писал(а):
Jam писал(а):
Не, Жанар, при всем уважении, Анхе не на это ориентировалась.

А ты так просто сама думаешь или ты знаешь, что не на это? :wink:


Lick My Blood, Dave.

16 янв Вт, 2007 0:13:35 am 15
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
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Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Glikerya писал(а):
Jam, спасибо тебе огромное за проделанный труд :!:

зы фееричный аватар :wink:

Обращайтесь! :D А чем он фееричен? :wink:

Lick My Blood, Dave.

16 янв Вт, 2007 0:34:37 am 15
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
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Откуда: Santa Barbara
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All Star interview with Martin 1998

Part One Of A Three-Part Interview
Depeche Mode is cooking up quite the array of visual effects for fans on their forthcoming tour, which kicks off the first week of September in Moscow, runs through Europe, then hits the U.S. from October through Christmas.
"I really don't like giving too much away," laughs the band's main songwriter, guitarist/ keyboardist Martin Gore. "It should really be a nice surprise for the fans. I can say it's quite interesting. [Anton Corbijn] got us to dress up as some of our idols. That will be slightly humorous when shown on those massive screens behind us. I'm gonna leave it at that."
Gore adds, "The look of the stage is something that is totally different." He couldn't recall how many video screens the stage would have, but did say it will be more in line with the second leg of their last tour for 1993's Songs of Faith and Devotion, which was scaled down from the elaborate staging for the first leg of that tour.
"We had 11 or 14 screens on-stage with visuals interacting between all the screens. I think we realized, maybe it was over the top. So we scaled it down for the second leg and I think that actually went over better with the audience, with just a couple of screens. This time, we'll probably only have a couple of screens as well."
Before fans will get a look at the staging, they can see the video for the only new song ("Only When I Lose Myself") on their forthcoming singles collection, The Singles '86-'98, due Oct. 6 on Mute/ Reprise.
Shot by Brian Griffin, who is new to music videos but did Depeche Mode's first five sleeves, the video depicts the song's theme of obsessional love -- or so Gore thinks.
"He sees the song as being very ethereal, so the look of the video is supposed to be very ethereal and dreamlike. Apart from that, it's going to be hard to judge, because all we did yesterday [Wednesday (July 22) in New York] was rock in and out of the light."
Griffin did shoot for two days in Los Angeles images of "wrecked cars and of couples who look very similar to each other standing next to the wrecked cars," says Gore. "I told him I quite like the imagery, but I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say. I think he's portraying this obsession thing. The couples that look similar maybe represent the duality of the relationship, and about people losing themselves into each other."
No word yet on when the video for "Only When I Lose Myself" will debut; and tour dates have still yet to be announced.
Part Two Of A Three-Part Interview
Depeche Mode fans will have to be satisfied with just the three new songs the band has penned for their forthcoming singles collection, as that's all they may be getting until the year 2000.
The Singles: '86-'98, due Oct. 6 on Mute/ Reprise, will include one of those three newly- written songs, "Only When I Lose Myself." However, two other songs recorded during the same sessions ("Surrender" and "Headstar") will be available as B-sides.
When asked if the B-sides would be available in both the U.S. and the U.K., Martin Gore, the band's main songwriter and guitarist/ keyboardist, answers, "That is a very hard question, because we've been going through debates at the moment with our American record company. They don't want to put it out -- not because they don't like it. It gets into that whole marketing game. If we're releasing it in the rest of the world, why not here?"
"Headstar" is an instrumental that Gore -- who wrote all three new songs -- describes simply as "quite upbeat." "Surrender," on the other hand, "is quite slow," he says. "It's very melodic. It's a good song to sing. It's about surrendering to your desires -- maybe you don't really have a choice."
He also describes "Surrender," as well as the Tim Simenon- produced "Only When I Lose Myself," as an extension of the band's last album, 1997's Ultra. Of "Only When I Lose Myself," Gore says, "It's a bit more soulful, and it's quite slow for us. Kind of like a ballad, but it's a bit of a rockin' ballad."
Lyrically, the song is about relationships ("One of my favorite topics," he says), and of obsessional love in particular. "I've always found love quite obsessional. People talk about co-dependency; to me I've always found there's something co-dependent about being in love -- that's what love is all about."
With a world tour kicking off the first week of September and running through Christmas at least, Gore says there isn't much time to begin work on a new studio album. "That would be a whole new project when we get back from tour," he says. "We're out from here to Christmas, so I'm not particularly thinking about songwriting at the moment. I can't see an album out before the year 2000, really. By the time I get back home and start writing, well... we just don't work that quickly."
Part Three Of A Three-Part Interview
I particularly like the Failure version of 'Enjoy The Silence,'" says Depeche Mode songwriter/ guitarist/ keyboardist Martin Gore, when asked what he thinks of the forthcoming tribute album to the band, For the Masses (1500/A&M, Aug. 4).
"I like the Deftones' version [of 'To Have and to Hold'] too," adds Gore, "and I find the Rammstein version [of 'Stripped'] very humorous. And I've always liked the Smashing Pumpkins' version [of 'Never Let Me Down Again'], but that's been out for a while."
This certainly isn't the first time Depeche Mode has been tributized. In fact, there have been at least four tribute albums released (Sometimes I Wish I Were Dead, Your World In Our Eyes, Transmode Express, and Sons of the Barrels) -- most originating from Sweden. However, Gore considers For the Masses to be the first real one.
On how it compares to the previous tributes, he laughs, "The accents are a lot more understandable. It's a lot more interesting, really. The groups they put together for this one and the versions are more interesting. It's a lot more poppy; the other ones were electro-pop, as far as I can remember.
"It's a great honor to get to that stage of your career where people are taking out time to record your songs -- try getting us to do that," he adds, which begs the question of who he would take time out to cover. "I did a Leonard Cohen tribute a few years ago. Um... quite a few people. I've always liked Kurt Weill... No one's ever done a John Lennon album, have they?"

Lick My Blood, Dave.

16 янв Вт, 2007 0:38:50 am 15
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Зарегистрирован: 30 дек Сб, 2006 11:34:03 am 363
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Откуда: Днепропетровск
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Jam, огромное спаисбо за статейку журнальную, давно её искала, вот сейчас займусь прочтением :))

I rush for you

19 янв Пт, 2007 12:31:18 pm 18
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
Сообщений: 332
Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Пжалста :)
by Robert L. Doerschuk
Q: The new twelve-year compilation of Depeche Mode singles (Mute/Reprise) proves that your band was way ahead of the electronica curve. This gives you a rare perspective on the question of whether electronic music has fulfilled it's potential over all these past fifteen years.
A: Well, it hasn't taken over, but nobody really expected that. Electronic technology is pretty much accepted, though, so in that sense it's lived up to it's potential. And there are bands out there that use electronics and samples in a good way--Massive Attack for instance, is special. But it is hard to find special bands these days, although that's not just an electronic thing; that goes for guitar music as well.
Q: Why is that?
A: Maybe it's just so easy to form bands these days and get a record out. A lot of bands will have one hit single and disappear.
Q: Is that partly because recording technology has become accessible to nearly everybody who wants to use it?
A: That does mean that a lot of people are making a lot of bad records. Years back you needed to get a recording deal to get into a studio, but now you can get a small studio into your bedroom. In fact, "studio" is the wrong term now, isn't it? All you need is a sequencer, a sampler, and a few keyboards.
Q: You've never jumped on the trendy electronic bandwagons. Through techno and spin-off styles, you've always kept your own distinctive sound.
A: Well, we're lucky in that we have two very distinctive elements: My songwriting is one, but the most recognizable thing is Dave [Gahan]. He's one of those singers you can identify on anything, whereas a lot of bands could exchange their singers quite easily. But I do like techno music, so there will possibly be a reference to it in our music. And I like country music as much as I like techno, so those reference points are in there as well.
Q: One thing that hasn't changed since Black Celebration is your fixation with minor keys.
A: That's when we really started getting things right; I like everything we've put out since then. And in any case, I'm happy writing in minor keys. I mean, life is in a minor key, so why bother with the major keys?
Q: What changes would you like to see in music technology?
A: I don't know why people aren't making old style analog keyboards. They're so great. They wouldn't have to be exactly the same as the old ones, but why not invent new analog synthesizers? Everything is so digital these days!
Q: Are you using vintage analog gear on the current tour?
A: No, although we use quite a lot of it in the studio. I like the ARP 2600 and the MIDIed version of the Minimoog.
Q: How has Depeche Mode managed to stay together for eighteen years?
A: I don't really know. We all still feel that we have something to offer; maybe that's the most important thing. A lot of bands might make their masterpiece with their first album, and it's all downhill from there. But we're just now making the best records of our career.
Q: Is the next album already taking shape in your head?
A: Not yet, I don't think we'll have a record out before the year 2000. With the new millennium, we'll need to do something different--a folk album, maybe. [laughs]

Этого не было еще?

Lick My Blood, Dave.

20 мар Вт, 2007 0:27:08 am 78
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Зарегистрирован: 11 апр Вт, 2006 12:17:14 pm 100
Сообщений: 268
Откуда: Краснодар
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В ровеснике недавно встретилась небольшая фотка Мартина в шапочке с тура и рядом его цитата:

Мартин об экологии:
"Я где-то прочитал недавно, что любовь - это, по большому счету, вопрос химии и химических процессов. Теперь мне понятно, почему бывшая жена обращалась со мной как с химическими отходами"... :roll:


23 апр Пн, 2007 19:46:47 pm 112
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Зарегистрирован: 02 окт Сб, 2004 21:40:42 pm 275
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Откуда: outer space
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Изображение NO FATE

23 апр Пн, 2007 20:27:28 pm 112
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Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
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Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Герой писал(а):

:shock: :roll: :?:

Lick My Blood, Dave.

23 апр Пн, 2007 21:42:44 pm 112
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Зарегистрирован: 10 апр Вт, 2007 15:46:52 pm 99
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всё, что пишется в ровеснике, браво, кул etc. всё это полная хня...
напридумали журналюги а вы им верьте
да щазз..

так девочки, кто мне принесёт плакаты ДМ? мне что то захотелось вдруг :lol:

23 апр Пн, 2007 21:55:39 pm 112
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Зарегистрирован: 11 апр Вт, 2006 12:17:14 pm 100
Сообщений: 268
Откуда: Краснодар
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Да, в ровеснике частенько ерунду всякую пишут. Конечно, неловко лезть не свое дело :oops: но все же интересно почему ж он с ней развелся :roll:


24 апр Вт, 2007 9:50:17 am 113
Профиль ICQ
Аватар пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
Сообщений: 332
Откуда: Santa Barbara
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Наверняка это знают только они сами... :wink:
А так... Я натыкалась на две версии развития событий:
- Мартин нашел себе какую-то кралю, Сюзанна, ясен пень, обиделась и ппц.
- Мартин в каком-то интервью обмолвился, что он, мол, старался-старался, а она его, как утиль...
Ну, и третья, разумеется, нейтральная версия: типа, ну, с кем не бывает, облажались мы двенадцать лет назад..."a big mistake", и по обоюдному...

Lick My Blood, Dave.

24 апр Вт, 2007 10:22:48 am 113
Аватар пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 02 окт Сб, 2004 21:40:42 pm 275
Сообщений: 2976
Откуда: outer space
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12 лет назад? Что именно ты имеешь в виду?

Изображение NO FATE

24 апр Вт, 2007 20:14:19 pm 113
Профиль ICQ WWW
Аватар пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 04 май Чт, 2006 13:32:02 pm 123
Сообщений: 332
Откуда: Santa Barbara
Ответить с цитатой
Типа, поженились они двенадцать лет назад... :roll:

Lick My Blood, Dave.

24 апр Вт, 2007 23:02:22 pm 113
Аватар пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 02 окт Сб, 2004 21:40:42 pm 275
Сообщений: 2976
Откуда: outer space
Ответить с цитатой
щас будет ИМХО

поженились они постольку-поскольку: жили уже вместе, ребенок был, ну чтоб не оформить свои отношения, чтобы как у людей?

Изображение NO FATE

24 апр Вт, 2007 23:10:04 pm 113
Профиль ICQ WWW
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