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- one of the devout -

08 фев Пт, 2008 17:24:12 pm 38
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присоединяюсь :)

08 фев Пт, 2008 21:59:01 pm 38
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..а чего ето концерты не анонсируют в разделе Parties & Concerts & Live Shows?..

- one of the devout -

10 фев Вс, 2008 13:46:40 pm 40
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Рано еще наверное...

“It’s not hard to own something. Or everything. You just have to know that it’s yours, and then be willing to let it go. "

10 фев Вс, 2008 18:38:47 pm 40
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Мэш начали работать над новым альбомом. Вот полностью их свеженький блог на MySpace:

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hi All,

It has been a while so I thought I would update everyone with what is going on.

At the moment Mark and I are back in our studio putting together a new album. We have finished two tracks and have written a few in demo form, so it is starting to take shape.

Last weekend was the first proper get together for all four of us since the UK gigs back in November. We spent both days rehearsing in Barking Dog studios in Bristol for our up coming shows. Rehearsing is always a bit of a chore but it makes you realise that you do become a bit rusty, forgetting how to play your own songs and even worse the lyrics. Saturday we dug out some old songs to put in the set for a change but spent most of our time fooling around playing "Tainted Love" in various different styles....funk, heavy metal, Blues etc. Not a good use of time but quite funny. Sunday was more productive (thank goodness).


Talking of shows...We are off to the land of Vodka at the end of April. Russia is always a great experience for us so we are looking forward to going back. The dates are as follows-

St Petersburg- 26th April Club Revolution

Moscow- 27th April Tochka

We seem to be pretty busy on the festivls this year, Wave Gothic Treffen, Mera Luna plus others....Check the dates and see you there.

Remixes + cd/dvd

Iris (our US buddies) have just released their new CD/DVD "Hydra" Our mix of "Lands of Fire" is included on it along with some other great mixes. Also there is a small amout of footage on the dvd of our tour last year. Well worth spending you hard earned cash on.

Advanced Electronics Vol6 contains a remix I did for Technoir "Dying Star" and on the DVD "It scares me" live.


As you may or may not know Geoff Pinckney our keyboard player has his own project called "tenek" this is a collaboration with his good friend Peter Steer. You can buy his ep from our shop or you can have a listen on their MySpace site....just follow the link from our Top Friends.


In the next few weeks we will try and put together a new podcast of things that are going on. I also found some old video footage of us on TV in Germany and Russia so we thought we’d share it with you.

OK I think that’s it for now. Thanks for all the emails etc I will do my best to get back to you but PLEASE be patient. If I don’t reply within two minutes of you writing please don’t give me a hard time.

I was going to tell you that we were number 1 in the USA as an April fools joke but I can’t be bothered now...

Anyway cheers for the support and thanks for taking the time to read this.

Oh...and don’t forget to join our fanclub site on here...follow the link from our Top Friends...Ta.


Let Me Show You The World In My Eyes
Go and let your imagination run wild
Like back in the old days when you were a child
Expand your mind
My Music

02 апр Ср, 2008 10:22:55 am 92
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а где взять треки которые на DVD We Collide идут в Extras аудиофоном. Там такой микс на Crash прикольный. Даже не микс, а просто другая версия, медленее и тяжелее оригинала.

07 июн Сб, 2008 9:40:31 am 158

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YASHUR писал(а):
а где взять треки которые на DVD We Collide идут в Extras аудиофоном. Там такой микс на Crash прикольный. Даже не микс, а просто другая версия, медленее и тяжелее оригинала.

что же никто не скажет?

17 июн Вт, 2008 13:03:12 pm 168

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25 июл Пт, 2008 14:19:01 pm 206
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Exclusive fan club audio interview - questions from the fans
(radio interview)

This interview was originally planned as part of a one-hour mesh special on the radio - the first collaboration between the EBM Radio and the mesh fan club. For these purposes, we first collected questions from the fans through the fan club forum and then compiled them for this interview. In the course of the ELEKTRISCH!-festival in Berlin on 23 January 2007, Mark and Rich finally answered these questions asked by Daniel Jahn.

Unfortunately, shortly after, Daniel left EBM Radio (he needed more time for his band 'Menichal Servants'). So the interview was handed over to his successor Andre Holz with whom only a very rudimentary communication was possible. We sent numerous requests, and in the late summer of 2007 we suddenly received an answer that the interview had already aired in August 2007 in a radio transmission by DJ Harder - without our knowledge and without the planned mesh special. The disappointment on our part was understandably deep, as we had to read in the forum of EBM Radio how a couple of listeners thanked DJ Harder for this "cool interview and the interesting questions" and complimented him. The readers did not realize that he had nothing to do with it except for airing the interview.

As we do not really want that this fantastic interview go under completely, we decided to publish it here on our special page. By just clicking on the listen-button you can hear Marks and Richards answers. And for all those who have difficulties in understanding, Betty transcribed the answers additionally.

We wish you lots of fun with this interview and thank you once again for sending us the questions and Daniel Jahn for his work!

How does it feel to be on tour again?

Rich: It’s very good really. We always kind of enjoy touring. So you know it’s always good to come back and play. So yeah, we’ve quite up beat. I’m looking forward to play. So yes, it’s great.

Mark: We’re really enjoying it at the moment. So it’s been really really good ever since we had a couple of problems at the first show. But other than that we’re really enjoying it. So it’s nice. It’s like home again. It just feels like every day now. So it’s good. We’re getting used to touring I think.

Tonight you’re playing at the elektrisch!-Festival, a special festival for the new elektrisch!-compilation which also includes a remix of your "Step By Step". Do you like remixes in general?

Rich: It’s one of those things. I mean you get good and bad remixes. Sometimes they can help get the music to other people, you know. If it’s a kind of dance mix you know it can be used in clubs. So it has its place you know, but I don't ever think... the remix is better than the original songs. But you know on this album Roy, from Mechanical Cabaret, has done a great job of remixing the song for us... So yeah it’s cool.

Mark: We quite like doing remixes I suppose. It depends on the band. So we only really do stuff that we like, so we don’t do endless remixes for people. We just kind of pick and choose what you know ... you never gonna make a fortune out of doing remixes. We do it because we like it really rather than... it tends to kill the creativity sometimes if you do too many ... if you do one remix after another. You use up too many ideas I think.

How do you decide which song you play live?

Mark: We have not really managed to do that very successfully, haven’t we? We’ve kind of ... we’ve changed a few things on the tour as we’ve gone along, so I think primarily it’s kind of ... for us it’s new stuff, recent stuff, some old tracks.

Rich: This is always difficult to strike a balance I mean you know. At the end of the day, touring is about promoting something you know. So if you’ve got a new album out, then obviously you gonna play stuff of the new album to kind of push that. But, you’ve got kind of have a balance of playing older stuff to keep you kind of, the fans or new people happy really. And also to kind of you know...so that they get to hear some of the older stuff as well so.

Mark: And we do try things when we play a track. If it works, we we'll do it again, if it don’t we kind of think again and we change it. You know when it’s ... a couple of things last night we thought hmm, it’s ok, not so good, maybe ... so we’ll change them out tonight and just try something different tonight. So every day, there’s some kind of small changes, maybe change things around, but you know ... there’s mainly new stuff and you know mainly stuff that is fresh to us ... If we’ve done something one hundred times before, sometimes it’s difficult to find the enthusiasm to do it again really. I mean the big part is us really if we feel we’re getting bored at doing it, we stop doing it and we move to something else. That’s not always what people want, but this kind of keeps us interested.

Why are most of your shows in Germany?

Rich: Well, I guess, we’ve got a reasonably good following here I guess. And our crew comes from Germany, our promotional company comes from Germany, our record company comes from Germany. So I think there’s an element of they want us to tour. You know, the record company obviously likes us touring because it sells more records and...

Mark: When our record label was in Sweden, we’ve spent most of our time in Sweden. It’s very, you know, Scandinavia. So it’s very much based on where people can do their best job...you know Jan, Pluswelt all them, they're here, they know all the clubs, they're near the scene, they know where you can play, they know the promoters. It generally makes sense. We go all over the place but usually it's one off shows and the promoter doesn't have so much control over what happens. So you can turn up some where, it could be good, it could be bad, you don't know. Here the promotion company knows everything about all the clubs.

Rich: Just recently we've been to Russia and Amsterdam and Spain, so you know we do go to other places. But it's maybe not so kinda intense touring, like Mark said it's just one or two shows in that country then move on, so...

Do you plan to release a DVD or a CD with recordings from the "We Collide"-Tour?

Rich: Well, funny you should say that. Yeah, we are planning...we are recording a couple of shows on this tour. And for that very purpose we'd like to put out a live DVD. We’ve got a lot of people asking us for that, especially from America because we haven’t done a lot of stuff in America and I think people kinda really want to see what’s it all about. And now they obviously get the chance to come and see us. So yeah I mean it was a good idea our record company were kinda really interested in putting something out. So we decided to give it a go.

Mark: So we gonna do these two shows in Hamburg and...

Rich: Hamburg? Hanover.

Mark: Hanover. Hanover and Krefeld.

Rich: Sure?

Mark: Think so.

Rich: Oh no...I mean...

Mark: Krefeld as well. So we got lots of cameras on standby. We got lots of tour footage that we do just every day, just everybody messing around and you know, just a little bit of kind of what goes on, you know, on tour. Just a bit of backstage stuff, should be fun to put together.

Which Mesh song do you think is the most typical Mesh song?

Mark: I think we’ve all got kind of different things, I think we’ve all got kind of favourites I suppose. My favourite is "My Hands Are Tied" at the moment. No sorry... "Can You Mend Hearts?". That’s my favourite. I don’t think it’s a typical song. I think it’s an unusual thing for us. Not sure about typical really.

Rich: No...I don’t know what "typical" means really. It’s kind of with each album you try to change your style and try to do different things. But I suppose, inevitably people say there is kind of a theme running through things that makes us sound like Mesh (if you know what I mean?). From the last album we put out I reckon, the most typical kind of Mesh track would be "No Place Like Home". It’s obviously quite a deep moving song, just sounds like us obviously.

Are there any Mesh songs which you don’t like anymore?

Rich: Yeah, there is a few. I mean there’s things like, probably when we first started things we put out as singles cause we thought it was the right things to do and a little bit too poppy. But people like them, so you end up having to do them live anyway. I’m not going to say which tracks but there are a few I think we are tired of playing and that’s possibly cause we’ve played them so many times. Right from the start we‘ve been chucking them into the shows, you just kind of think I need to move on. I think that same could be said for every artist. Any artist who’s got a kind of massive single, they've got to played it cause their public expect them to play it. I don’t think we hate playing anything it’s just like you get tired of playing it and just want to do something different.

How much time do you spend on making music?

Rich: Quite a lot really.

Mark: Depends on the time of year really, depends on what’s going on really, I mean it. You know at the moment we don’t, we haven’t spent a lot of time because we have been getting ready for, just touring really and it takes a long time because we reprogram everything and we change things and just to change one song is a major job, it’s not easy to do. I suppose we spend a few days a week doing it, but it depends, i mean, it. When we finish this we go back and start writing again, we’ve got a long time before we need to do anymore live stuff, maybe the odd show on the weekend or something so, we’re kind of looking forward to that, we got about 3 tracks already written, but we’ve got another 7, 8, 9, 10 to do maybe, so we’re going to have to put a lot of time in to do that, but you need a space to do it in. If you’re touring it just breaks it up and it just makes it difficult to write anything really.

Do you still have other jobs beside the music?

Rich: We did give it up, kind a give up our day jobs as it were when we first got signed. It was nice to kind a concentrate 100% on doing the music. But eh just the way the music business is these days, there’s not as much money about as there used to be obviously. So we worked almost like part time really. We do the music as well as our other kind of day jobs.

Mark: So we have a lot of holiday, don’t we?

Rich: Yeah, we do.

Mark: We take a lot of holiday to do things like this, and try to fit the writing in around what we do at home. But it’s very difficult I mean unless you want to live like a student for the rest of your life. It’s very difficult really. I mean the money that comes in we use for the expenses of the recording and the various things we got to do, equipment and stuff. So we still got money coming in but is not enough to live on really. You could live on it but you’d have to live fairly simply, just a room (Rich: baked beans) a bread, can’t do that every night. So it’s ok. The bands that do, we know guys in the scene that live off of it.

Rich: But they haven’t got families the difference we have got a kind of normal life outside of this with family and kids. So you could make it pay but you’d be on the road all the time so it’s not really what we want.

Mark: You’d have to tour for 6 months every year. You know if you want a family and you want a life you don’t go on tour it’s as simple as that. You can’t. It’s not fair on people really to expect them to have you away for 6 months or 7 or 8 months or what ever long. It’s just not fair. So you do one thing or the other, you either have a band and you make your money out of it, or you have a family and you do the music when you can. We do the latter really. So it’s frustrating sometimes.

Some days ago Stefan Herwig announced that he will close his label "Dependent" in the middle of the year because he’s tired to fight against illegal downloads. What do you think about the problems with illegal MP3s?

Rich: It affects everybody, you know, right to the top of the kind of market, people like Madonna I should imagine she’s notice her sales are down. But she obviously sells enough that is still not really that bigger problem. But when you get to kinda our level, I mean it is a problem. We still sell a lot of records, but it’s no where near as many as it used to be, like five years ago.

Mark: I think it’s ok for the big artists. I think they made that money back from publishing because there’s more channels, more radio, more internet radio stations. There’s video channels, hundred of cable channels and they make money back on radio plays and video plays. But unless you’ve got that, you know, and this year has been quite good for kinda radio play in Germany and stuff but, that’s useful to us. But the record side of it is very hard at the moment. It’s changing, I think more people are prepared to pay to download music now, and I think with iTunes and stuff it’s made it more difficult for people to, or more trouble to find things.

Rich: I think it’s almost quite exciting times really. As much as it’s kinda frustrating for musicians it also could be quite exciting because you know we talked recently about is it worth writing albums anymore? Or do you just write a song and stick it straight on iTtunes and sell it, and it’s so much quicker, rather than having to put a collection of songs together, in an album than you put it on iTunes then somebody downloads two tracks, cause they liked it and the rest just go to waste. I don’t know, I just think the whole format the way music is sold, and got out to the general public is changing. So you got to kinda embrace it really, you got to go with it, otherwise you would just get left behind. So I don’t know it’s just weird times, I don’t think anybody knows the answer of what to do at the moment.

Do you still buy CDs to get inspiration from other music?

Rich: I don’t tend to buy many CDs anymore. I used to, I used to love music. But I don’t know what I find inspiring anymore. I haven’t got any kind of favourites, but just like I was just saying just a minute ago I‘m one of those people who get on iTunes and download one track of an album cause I like it, rather then spend 17 Euros on buying a full album (Mark: I shall tape that.) Oh yeah (Mark: Cause I’m so skint.) Yeah.

Mark: I still buy CDs I suppose. I buy them and then I upload them onto disc then I never touch them again and that’s it. But I quite like the artwork, still like the CD. I still like to see what’s going on and what you know, who’s written what and those kind of things. I’ve not, I mean I’ve got an Ipod but I don’t really use the iTunes store yet. Maybe should do, bit more. But yeah don’t know. I buy anything really, anything I like. I quite like ehm. I don’t really buy electronic music you know I mean, cause I hear it all the time, so I tend to buy old jazz or guitar pop something I mean whatever. Just anything that’s sounds good, a bit of Morrissey something like that. Bit a Foo Fighters or whatever anything, really. Jazz kind of stuff. Just all kinds of rubbish.

Are there any books or films that inspire you?

Mark: I’m buying old films on DVD, you know, like old spaghetti westerns. You know, just things I see... I collect the old DeNiro films and Pachino films and stuff like that. I’m just buying all these films on DVD so I can watch them if I’m in a hotel or something like that. I love all that stuff, a bit of Science Fiction as well, anything like that. Not too into the Horror at the moment. "Saw" and things like that. (laughter) Horrible...isn’t it?
I kinda like reading just travel books and comic books. I don’t really like stories so much anymore. Although I’ve got Michael Chrichton book at the moment, he’s quite good. "State of Fear", it’s quite good, I’m reading that at the moment. Things like that. It’s going to take me 3 years to read a book like that. But dunno, anything really, just don’t like stories, you know what I mean? Just thrillers or anything like... just boring, you know? (laughter)

Do you have any friends around synth-bands?

Rich: Oh god yeah we got loads, we got them in nearly every band I think now. We’ve been doing it for so long you know... you inevitably end up playing with you know one of these bands somewhere, so yeah we’ve got some really good friends like Apop and De/Vision and I don’t know...

Mark: Covenant.

Rich: Covenant, Beborn Beton, In Strict Confidence. (mumbling) A lot of people really.

Mark: VNV Nation, (Rich: Yeah.) You know all the guys...We end up in the same clubs and the same places all the time you know what I mean so...

Rich: Well it’s quite a good little scene really, I mean I think everybody’s kind of reasonably friendly with each other and its kind of...

Mark: Crüxshadows.

Rich: Crüxshadows, yeah. (laughing)

Mark: So, they're everywhere aren’t they?

Rich: Yeah.

What happened with "Enchantment"? This song was played by you during the first concert. Can we hope that you will release this song later?

Rich: "Enchantment", oh my god. Yeah, there’s a few tapes knocking around. When we first started, we were obviously doing demo tapes like every band does, and we was kinda selling them, so there are some really doggie songs knocking around.

Mark: I mean the thing is when we started we didn’t really know what we wanted to do, and it was like, well we kinda got similar interests so me and Neil we kinda you know we used to live, I don’t know just a few hundred meters away from each other (Rich: yeah really yeah.) for years and we never knew, you know what I mean, and never knew that we had the same kind of interests you know what I mean. When we met up I suppose we didn’t we kinda, we had reference points we knew what we liked but we didn’t really know what we were doing, and it was kinda like the early 90's wasn’t it, there was a lot of dance music going around. Dance music just starting you know all this kinda like Inner City stuff you know Alternate and all this people, do you know I mean like writing stuff, and it was kinda like that a bit unusual you know what I mean. So we were kinda influenced by some of that you know, and we like the electronic music but we also thought this dance music is quite good, and that track kinda came out of that really. So eh, I listened to it the other day actually for some reason, oh I know what is was, I think somebody sent it to me. Bizarre I was listening to it. It was all right actually, I didn’t like it at the time cause it’s not really what I want to do, but so I don’t know. It’s a bit cheesy like you know.

Rich: It’s quite funny I was in a band previous to Mesh and we put out a single, not going to tell you what the band was called, cause I don’t want people looking for it, but eh, some guy wrote to me the other day from Norway and he said "I managed to buy this record on Ebay, and it says written by R. Silverthorn. Is it you?" And I had to write back to him, "Oh my god yes it is me. Please don’t tell anybody cause it was so embarrassing."

Mark: Never put your name on anything.

Rich: So I’m not going to tell you what the band was called, but there you go. My past be coming to haunt me, coming back yeah.

Mark: Pleasures of Ebay.

Do you sometimes look on eBay how much money people pay for rare Mesh-stuff?

Mark: I don’t, you do.

Rich: Well no, I don’t, it’s a friend of mine sent a link through the other day and it’s, we put out like, a white label dance kind of 12 inch, and it was on there, and it something like a Ј114/Ј115 pounds and I couldn’t believe it, so I got mine out and I was going to put mine on and try and sell it, but no, I don’t generally. I mean, I occasionally have a look but there’s not a lot on the UK kind of ebay thing. Obviously because people don’t want to sell our records because they are so good that they wouldn’t want to get rid of them would they.

Mark: Or if they’d never bought them, they're just selling files.

Do you also look for reviews about Mesh in the internet?

Rich: Yeah, yeah I do, I shouldn’t I really shouldn’t because I’m the worst person for reading you know, if our album gets 4 and a half out of 5 I think well what’s the matter with that, why wasn’t it a 5 you know what I mean, so I’m just the worst person, but I do look, I can't help but look you know.

Mark: Yeah I don’t really, I used to be like that and I really don’t worry about it anymore, I think I just look at what’s happening to us and I think well that’s good, what’s happening is good, there’s always going to be somebody who hates what you do, there’s always going to be somebody and if you listen to them you think that that’s the general opinion of everybody and I don’t worry, I mean if it’s criticism and it’s kind of... it’s justified then maybe you know.

Rich: He doesn’t have to look because I tell him. (laughing)

Mark: He tells me anyway so... just look at this... I could kill him.

Rich: Somebody told me today that our album was voted one of the best or the top 5 albums of 2006 so... My god we’re on (laughter) so yeah things like that you know... it’s nice to know. But then it’s also kind of quite depressing if somebody says something bad.

Mark: But the thing is you’ll read 20 great reviews and you’ll read one and you’ll be pissed off about it for the rest of the day because it’s bad that’s just me, I mean... I think well that’s 20 good reviews then there’s one, somebody there don’t like it but I mean that’s going to be the same in any walk of life there’s always going to be somebody that says this is rubbish or this is rubbish, you know and you know it’s not really worth worrying and if everybody is saying its rubbish then yeah it’s a different thing but that’s not the case at the moment, wait till the next album then.

Rich: Yep.

Do you like football? If yes, what is your favourite football club?

Mark: No, I don’t. Right, that’s it.

Rich: OK. (Both laughing) Yes I do. I’m not a massive massive fan. I mean I’m one of these people who read the results and read the papers a bit. I generally know what’s going on and I support Arsenal. I don’t know why because I live in Bristol and obviously Arsenal is a London team but um, I sort of generally follow the Premiership to know what’s going on. I don’t go to games and I’m not one of these boring people who just sit there talking about football all the time so.

Mark: My son he’s eight and he plays all the time. So I got to take him to football all the time. So I’ve kind of started playing Five-a-side.

Rich: Which I would love to see.

Mark: Causes all the dads are kinda just waiting around so we thought "let’s go play Five-a-side" so. Not only do I not like football, I have to watch football all the time.

Rich: And play...

Mark: And play... (laughs) So to say that I don’t have anything to do with football is wrong.

Rich: He’s the last dad that gets picked when they’re choosing sides.

Mark: Yeah right (laughs).

Rich: "Oh we’ll have to have Mark then."

Mark: Last but one that. There’s a guy with one leg. They don’t pick him. (laughs)

After all these years of making music: What’s your motivation to go on again and again?

Rich: I guess it’s because we love making music really. It’s one of those things, it’s an outlet. It’s kind of escapism from real life. I don't know. I just love doing it. (I also think that) this year obviously cause Neil left the band we had to sort of sit down and think "is this the end of Mesh"? Do we kinda all knock it on the head now and say we’ve had a good time? I seriously did think about it and then I kinda come away thinking "no I love doing this", you know. It’s kinda a passion that, you know, while we can do it and while people still like what we’re doing, then I’ll carry on doing it. The point where people think, "oh no I don’t like it anymore", then ok we’ll stop.

Mark: For me, it’s a part of our life. It’s the major part of our life. We’ve probably been interested in doing this for twenty years. When we first kinda picked up keyboards and stuff and it’s nice being in the studio just writing. Because you don’t know what...you start the day and you start writing a song and you don’t know what you’re going to have at the end of the day. It could be something great, you know. Something you really love and I think that’s kinda of the interest. It’s not like you got it all in your head and you know what you’re going to put down. So, you know, you start the day working and by the end of the day you’ve got something there that, you know, you’re excited by and I think that’s the kind of buzz we get from it really. And the touring thing is really good as well; it’s not just playing the shows. It’s kinda we’ve got a lot of friends and we have a nice time.

26 авг Вт, 2008 14:19:03 pm 238

Зарегистрирован: 07 ноя Вт, 2006 22:44:37 pm 310
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Belfast (ex-Nottingham) писал(а):
Exclusive fan club audio interview - questions from the fans
(radio interview)

This interview was originally planned as part of a one-hour mesh special on the radio - the first collaboration between the EBM Radio and the mesh fan club......

Круто .....скока букфф.......я по русски-то стока не прочел бы))))
а ваще обычно сцыльку в таких случаях кидают

27 авг Ср, 2008 11:40:55 am 239
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Зарегистрирован: 06 окт Пн, 2003 22:48:00 pm 278
Сообщений: 3017
Откуда: Moscow
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Dave! Remember me! i'am your anonymous brother!!

нормально и рационально жить - СКУЧНО!!
а ненормально и нерационально - дорого! (c)

03 сен Ср, 2008 23:12:00 pm 246
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Зарегистрирован: 22 окт Ср, 2003 14:27:09 pm 294
Сообщений: 381
Откуда: Кенигсберг\Москва
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Abs писал(а):

спасибо) :D

04 сен Чт, 2008 13:41:36 pm 247
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Зарегистрирован: 22 окт Ср, 2003 14:27:09 pm 294
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Откуда: Кенигсберг\Москва
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и Меш еще в догонку с пар по инглишу :lol:

http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseacti ... d=43057412

18 сен Чт, 2008 13:22:45 pm 261
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Зарегистрирован: 18 дек Чт, 2003 1:22:58 am 351
Сообщений: 2864
Откуда: Питер
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2 Silentium
Херасе...а чо эт у вас за секта такая? )))

"I don't know where it is, but I know I'm going...home" (С) Walk On, U2

21 сен Вс, 2008 11:28:46 am 264
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Зарегистрирован: 22 окт Ср, 2003 14:27:09 pm 294
Сообщений: 381
Откуда: Кенигсберг\Москва
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Vanish писал(а):
2 Silentium
Херасе...а чо эт у вас за секта такая? )))

Да это у нас были уроки инглиша в универе уже почти года 2 назад :roll: просто надоело петь всяких битлов, а препод наша была не против, вот я и притащила диски с мэшем и девишником :wink:

22 сен Пн, 2008 9:33:32 am 265
Аватар пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 16 сен Вт, 2003 11:11:38 am 258
Сообщений: 438
Откуда: Воронеж
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silentium писал(а):
Vanish писал(а):
2 Silentium
Херасе...а чо эт у вас за секта такая? )))

Да это у нас были уроки инглиша в универе уже почти года 2 назад :roll: просто надоело петь всяких битлов, а препод наша была не против, вот я и притащила диски с мэшем и девишником :wink:

Уроки инглиша под немецкий De/Vision ??? :lol:

Механический вальс
Все что есть у меня

22 сен Пн, 2008 19:56:43 pm 265
Аватар пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 22 окт Ср, 2003 14:27:09 pm 294
Сообщений: 381
Откуда: Кенигсберг\Москва
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advokatt писал(а):
silentium писал(а):
Vanish писал(а):
2 Silentium
Херасе...а чо эт у вас за секта такая? )))

Да это у нас были уроки инглиша в универе уже почти года 2 назад :roll: просто надоело петь всяких битлов, а препод наша была не против, вот я и притащила диски с мэшем и девишником :wink:

Уроки инглиша под немецкий De/Vision ??? :lol:

Благо, не Endlose Traume разучивали:) Вообсчем, покатило как-то :wink:

23 сен Вт, 2008 9:23:32 am 266
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Зарегистрирован: 22 май Чт, 2003 13:43:08 pm 141
Сообщений: 72
Откуда: Егорьевск
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Вот что мне понравилось с майспейса:
Hi All,

Merry Christmas and a huge thank you to all of you for all the emails and comments in 2008.

Here's to 2009 and a new album from us.

Best wishes

Rich and Mark

and not forgetting...Geoff and Sean who make it all posible.

mesh X

p.s Thanks to Betty and Claus for all their hard work.

Вот на то и надеюсь... :)

08 янв Чт, 2009 10:12:43 am 7
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Зарегистрирован: 23 июн Ср, 2004 13:27:51 pm 174
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Классное получилось ДВД лимитед эдишен из 3 сд !
у меня под номером 240 :wink:

SATIN - лучший synth-pop ;)

25 май Пн, 2009 7:41:51 am 144
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Зарегистрирован: 14 дек Вс, 2003 0:55:46 am 347
Сообщений: 188
Откуда: Ufa
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Появилась информация о новом альбоме и даты осеннего тура по Европе (в основном, как всегда, Германия).

Bristol's e-pop-icons MESH are back! It's been three years since MESH released their last studio album, the highly acclaimed "We Collide". Now, working with Dependent Records (Europe) and Metropolis Records (North America), the band is back with a new single, a new tour, and a new album: "A Perfect Solution".
The limited edition single will be out in September, followed by the full length album in October. Finally, November will see the band embark on an extended tour of Europe and the UK.

"A perfect solution" - tour 2009

12.11.2009 Hamburg (GER), Markthalle
13.11.2009 Kopenhagen (DK), Forbraendingen
14.11.2009 Rostock (GER), Mau Club
15.11.2009 Brunswick (GER), Meier Music Hall
17.11.2009 Leipzig (GER), Werk II
18.11.2009 Vienna (A), WUK
19.11.2009 Munich (GER), Backstage
20.11.2009 Pratteln (Basle/CH), Z7
21.11.2009 Erfurt (GER), HSD
22.11.2009 Frankfurt (GER), Batschkapp
23.11.2009 Berlin (GER), Columbia Club
24.11.2009 Dortmund (GER), FZW
26.11.2009 Cologne (GER), Live Music Hall
27.11.2009 Antwerp (B), Hof ter Lo
28.11.2009 London (UK), O2 Academy Islington
29.11.2009 Wolverhampton (UK), Robin 2

“It’s not hard to own something. Or everything. You just have to know that it’s yours, and then be willing to let it go. "

16 июн Вт, 2009 18:44:11 pm 166
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Зарегистрирован: 10 июн Вт, 2003 2:55:42 am 160
Сообщений: 385
Откуда: Lubertzy(Russia)/Belfast(Nothern Ireland)
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Сингл называется "Only better", картинка на майспейсе.
Выбор Вулверхэмптона удивил - ни Бристоль, ни Шеффилд, ни Манчестер. :evil:

16 июн Вт, 2009 22:47:33 pm 166
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Зарегистрирован: 23 апр Ср, 2003 7:49:21 am 112
Сообщений: 60
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Belfast (ex-Nottingham) писал(а):
Сингл называется "Only better", картинка на майспейсе.
Выбор Вулверхэмптона удивил - ни Бристоль, ни Шеффилд, ни Манчестер. :evil:

ой, не бухти :) зато есть ;)

- one of the devout -

25 июн Чт, 2009 16:33:20 pm 175
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Зарегистрирован: 12 мар Ср, 2003 0:53:04 am 70
Сообщений: 48
Откуда: MSK
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А Рашки не будет? Рашн синти поп комьюнити, что нам скажет по этому поводу?

26 июн Пт, 2009 1:53:09 am 176
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Зарегистрирован: 03 июн Ср, 2009 17:35:27 pm 153
Сообщений: 349
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YASHUR писал(а):
А Рашки не будет? Рашн синти поп комьюнити, что нам скажет по этому поводу?

скажем, что меш - это прекрасно :)

забота обо мне облагораживает.
коты не стучат.

26 июн Пт, 2009 2:16:01 am 176

Зарегистрирован: 12 мар Ср, 2003 0:53:04 am 70
Сообщений: 48
Откуда: MSK
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Бликса писал(а):
YASHUR писал(а):
А Рашки не будет? Рашн синти поп комьюнити, что нам скажет по этому поводу?

скажем, что меш - это прекрасно :)


26 июн Пт, 2009 2:51:03 am 176
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Зарегистрирован: 03 июн Ср, 2009 17:35:27 pm 153
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http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... =189270797
тут можно посмотреть трейлер к синглю и собственно послушать отрывок новой песни

(песня хорошая, но танцующие старперы как-то слегка раздражают :) )

забота обо мне облагораживает.
коты не стучат.

26 июн Пт, 2009 18:35:33 pm 176
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Зарегистрирован: 14 дек Чт, 2006 15:47:52 pm 347
Сообщений: 1312
Откуда: Москва
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не судите строго))) вот у ДМ и ДВ звучание меняется с каждым альбомом (или нет?), а у Мэша остаётся на уровне. на одном. может прочном.. но на одном.. так и должно быть?


26 июн Пт, 2009 23:16:58 pm 176
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Зарегистрирован: 25 май Пн, 2009 18:34:27 pm 144
Сообщений: 32
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А мне понравилось, и старички тоже, хотя чо, я все равно видео свернула и только слушаю))

26 июн Пт, 2009 23:58:26 pm 176
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Зарегистрирован: 03 июн Ср, 2009 17:35:27 pm 153
Сообщений: 349
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Till писал(а):
не судите строго))) вот у ДМ и ДВ звучание меняется с каждым альбомом (или нет?), а у Мэша остаётся на уровне. на одном. может прочном.. но на одном.. так и должно быть?

ээээ.. ту как бы тонкий момент... если человеку нравится какая-то группа и он следит за ее творчеством и слушал все альбомы, синглы и тд..( пусть при этом он слушает еще тысячу других), то человеку проще услышать что именно изменилось в звучании, настроении и прочей подачи материала.. если человек знаком с творчеством группы (любой) поверхностно ибо как бы не фанат.. ( в большей или меньшей степени), то ему будет казаться что все что делает группа это одно и тоже ( в большей или меньшей степени). ну условно для многих депеш мод весь одинаковый.. причем для совсем многих он еще одинаков со всеми девиженами, мешами, камуфляжами и даже систрер оф мерси, дайари оф дримс и прочими проджек пичфорками и внав нейшенами вместе взятыми..
меш звучит с одной стороны очень по-дургму чем это была на ранних альбомах, но при этом ( что на самом деле важно для тех кому близко творчество конкретной группы) не отступается от своей подачи материала (на мой взягляд это эмоциональность, но кто, может находит в этой музыки что-то другое и воспринимает по-мвоему).
Ну а как бы по Гамбургскому счету, то все группы ( подавляющее большинство) звучат одинаково от альбома к альбому, а те кто это не делает.. теряет своих поклонников :)

ну а потом здесь только небольшой отрывок.. или вы уже слышали весь альбом?

забота обо мне облагораживает.
коты не стучат.

27 июн Сб, 2009 4:28:34 am 177
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Зарегистрирован: 03 июн Ср, 2009 17:35:27 pm 153
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P.S. на мой личный взгляд. Mesh звучат подругому, они звучат ОЧЕНЬ оптимистично тут, на том отрывке кторый доступет в том терйлере.

забота обо мне облагораживает.
коты не стучат.

27 июн Сб, 2009 5:26:24 am 177
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